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••• Na teren Polski przedostał się groźny koronawirus COVID19. Rząd ogłosił stan epidemii i wydał przepisy regulujące zasady działania służby zdrowia, wprowadził kwarantanny dla osób mających kontakt z zarażonymi lub wracających z zagranicy, zamknięto lotniska oraz wszelkie obiekty i imprezy, w których zwykle jednocześnie przebywa wiele osób ••• Pomimo wielkiego niebezpieczeństwa dla życia obywateli - prezes partii rządzącej, premier rządu i prezydent państwa nie widzą przesłanek do przesunięcia majowych wyborów prezydenckich na termin późniejszy ••• Dwa miliardy (to dwa tysiące milionów) złotych na partyjną propagandę TVP zamiast na ochronę zdrowia obywateli. Tak bezwzglednie czynią ludzie zaślepieni żądzą władzy, a nie zatroskani dobrostanem Polaków ••• Partia i rząd przemawiają wyborcom "do ręki" ••• dobrazmianagate - kasta wysokich urzędników państwowych, kilku członków "dobrze zmienionej" Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa, działając w porozumieniu, dostarczali heiterce dane osobowe, a ta rozpowszechniała anonimy szkalujące sędziów niepokornych wobec władczej destrukcji wymiaru sprawiedliwości ••• Komisja Europejska formalnie pozwała Polskę, członka UE, do Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej wskazując, że polska ustawa o Sądzie Najwyższym jest niezgodna z prawem UE, narusza zasadę niezależności sądów oraz zasadę nieusuwalności sędziów ••• Psucie państwa i demokracji w Polsce, prawa i sądownictwa niepokoi wielu Polaków, Parlament Europejski i Komisję Europejską ••• Piętnasty rok Polska jest w Unii Europejskiej. Niestety władza bieżącej kadencji systemowo oddala nas od wspólnoty rozwoju i bezpieczeństwa, pomimo że Polacy w zdecydowanej większości akceptuje i docenia naszą przynależność do UE •••
Sobota 29.03.2025
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 Local offers 


The Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) has organized a Contest "The Golden sites" which allows to collect a lot of information about well prepared locations worth offering to a potential foreign investor.

The jury of the third edition contest received 332 offers from the whole of Poland. After a few months of intensive working, visiting the locations, contacting the authorities of the communes, and a strong competition, the jury of the contest has highly commended nearly 91 sites and among them the "golden sixteen" since every voivodship (below). The commended sites will be first and foremost recommended by PAIiIZ to foreign companies.

(based on the data announced by PAIiIZ)

The Stanowice Economic Development Zone. The site, situated 16 km from the city of Wrocław, is the property of a local government. The terrain of the plot is flat, of a regular shape similar to a rectangle. In vicinity there is a commune’s sewage treatment plant (in the final stageof construction) and a transformer station allowing access to high power electric energy at a distance of around 250meters. A convenient location - close to the National Road No. 94.

The plot is the property of the Grudziądz Industrial Park (GPP), located within the Park. The terrain of a plot has a fairly regular shape and is almost flat. The access to all kindsof utilities including high power electric energy is available. Proximity of a recently built access road and a railway siding 1.5 km away from the place isa great advantage. A beneficial location: 12 km from the highway hub Nowe Marzy, 500 meters to S16 express road.

A Former Military Airport. The site is owned by: the Biała Podlaska City Hall, State Forests NFH, the Military Property Agency. The plot includes a railway siding, internal roads and industrial estates such as warehouses and hangars. Convenient location - 36 km away from a border crossing with Belarus in Terespol and Koroszczyn, 3 km away from the European route E30 and 1.5 km from the Voivodship Road No 812.

The Kożuchów Industrial Zone. The plot is the property of the commune Kożuchów and it is situated on the edge of the Zone. It consists of separate parcels, each of them from 2,2 ha to 6,6 ha in area. Every parcel can be freely divided or merged with the other according to the investor’s needs. Technical infrastructure available.A convenient location: 8 km from the European route E65 and 28 km from Zielona Góra.

The Kleszczów Industrial Zone No II. The site is the property of the Kleszczów Commune Development Foundation.The terrain is flat, clean, fully provided with technical infrastructure and ready for investor’s entry. There is a possibility to obtain cheap electric energy and gas. There is a good access to roads. Additionally, the land is available at competitive prices in comparison to other regions of Poland.

A privately-owned site located 29 km away from the city of Cracow. The terrainof the plot is flat, with allutilities in direct vicinity. Beneficial location -close to the European route E77, 37 km from the A4 highway.

A privately-owned plot. The terrain is flat, clean and of a fairly regular shape. A railway siding is situated 900 metres from the plot. An advantageous location: the National Road No 2 is 2 km away from the plot and 40 km from the city of Warsaw.

The plot is owned by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR). Theterrain is practically flat with all kinds of utilities available in direct vicinity - a working railway siding is 500 meters away. Good location - 18 km from the A4 highway and 25 km from the city of Opole.

The site belongs to the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR). Its advantages are: regular shape and a working siding at a distance of 2 km. A convenient location - in direct vicinity of the European route E4, 20 km away from the city of Rzeszów and 25 km from the international airport in Jasionka. In the future the A4 highway and the S19 express road will be constructed only 15 km away from the plot.

The plot is possessed by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR).The site is close to a transformer station enabling access to high power electric energy. In direct vicinity - the recently refurbished county road and the National Road No. 8. The Suwałki Special Economic Zone is situated close to the site.

The Potęgowo Industrial and Service Centre. The plot is owned by a local government. It is flat and equippedwith all kinds of utilities (except for gas). There is a transformer station in the distance of 2 km (giving access to high power electric energy) and a railway siding only 1 km away. An advantageous location - plot is situated directly by the European route E28.

Ciasna - 10,50 ha  ŚLĄSKIE VOIVODSHIP

The plot belongs to the local government. The terrain is flat and of regular shape, resembling a square. All kinds of utilities are availableincluding a working siding within 700 metres. A convenient location: close to the National Road No. 11 and 48 km away from the international airportin Katowice.

The plot is possessed by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR). The terrain is practically flat and of regular shape with access to high power electric energy. Good location: situated directly by the National Road No 74, 35 km away from the cityof Kielce. 11 km away from the plot, in Solec, there is a broad gauge railway leading to Russia through Ukraine.

The plot is owned by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR). Allkinds of utilities (except of gas) are available. Two access roads and a transformer station in the vicinity. Large amounts of water may be provided and substantial amount of industrial sewage may be returned. A working railway siding round 0.8 km away from the plot. Good location -at the junction of the National Road No 16 and the Voivodship Road No 595, 17 km away from the city of Olsztyn.

The site is owned by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR). Theterrain is flat, clean, with access to all kinds of utilities. A railwaysiding issituated at a distance of 2 km from the plot. A convenient location - near the National Road No 5 (a road descent from the National Road No 5 to the plot). The site is situated 11 km away from the A2 highway, 25 km from the city of Poznań and 35 km fromthe international airport Poznań-Ławica.

The Stargard Industrial Park. The plot belongs to the University of Agriculture in Szczecin. It is of a regular shape, clean and with access to all kinds of utilities except forgas (possible access to high power electric energy). There is a railway siding 250 meters away. Good location - close to the city’s roundabout, 700 meters away from the National Road No. 10 and 35 km from the international airport in Goleniów.


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